Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Conversation About Profoundness in Chalk

Okay... I know the title's a bit of a mouthful, but I promise... it'll make sense in the end.

The following is an excerpt from my novel, The Conversation... It's based in New York, about six friends who talk more or less continuously in a West Village CoffeeHouse.

Yes, I know that's the premise of the show Friends. It's my all-time favourite show, and this is my homage' to it's genius...

Anyway, I thought this one was particularly funny... And that's not me bragging. it's funny, because of Bart Simpson...

A Conversation About Profoundness in Chalk

Tyler- I did not see Elvis.

Dawson- They are laughing at me, not with me.

Tyler- I will not yell “Fire” in a crowded classroom.

Dawson- I will not encourage others to fly.

Alyssa- Hey guys. What are you–?

Caleb- Ssh!

Tyler- I will not get very far with this attitude.

I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment.

Veronica- But, what are you–?

Caleb- I told you to shut up!

Adrienne- Why?

I will not prescribe medication.

Caleb- They’re battling. Now be quiet.

I am not authorised to fire substitute teachers.

Alyssa- Battling with what?

Caleb- Bart Simpson chalkboard quotes.

Adrienne- You’re kidding.

Tyler- There are plenty of businesses like show business.

Adrienne- You’re not kidding.

Five days is not too long to wait for a gun.

Veronica- What are Bart Simpson chalkboard quotes?

Cursive writing does not mean what I think it does.

Dawson- I do not have power of attorney over first graders.

Caleb- If I tell you, will you shut up?

Veronica- I’ll promise to think about considering it.

Tyler- I did not learn everything I need to know in kindergarten.

Dawson- A fire drill does not demand a fire.

Caleb- It’s the lines Bart’s teacher makes him write on the chalkboard as punishment at the start of every Simpsons episode.

Tyler- I did not invent Irish dancing.

Veronica- No!

Rudolph’s red nose is not alcohol-related.

Caleb- Yes!

I will not demand what I’m worth.

Veronica- And they know these off by heart?

I was not the inspiration for Kramer.

Caleb- Apparently.

“The President did it” is not an excuse.

Alyssa- This is what you guys do when we’re not here?

Hillbillies are people too.

Caleb- Yeah.

Grammar is not a time of waste.

Adrienne- Sad.

It does not suck to be you.

Veronica- How many are they on?

I have neither been there, nor done that.

Caleb- I dunno. Like a million!

Pork is not a verb.

Adrienne- Are they even listening to us?

Class clown is not a paid position.

Caleb- Doubtful.

Substitute teachers are not scabs.

My suspension was not “mutual”.

Teacher was not dumped. It was mutual.

Alyssa- This is actually pretty impressive.

I was not touched “there” by an angel!

Veronica- Oh, God!

Alyssa- Okay… some more than others.

I cannot hire a substitute student.

I will not obey the voices in my head.

Adrienne- I’ll never understand boys.

I will only provide a urine sample when asked.

The nurse is not dealing.

Veronica- After this, would you want to?

The hamster did not live a “full life”.

Genetics is not an excuse.

Adrienne- Got that right.

Caleb- Shh!

Dawson- I am not Charlie Brown on acid.

Tyler- This school does not need a “regime change”.

Veronica- Nothing is sacred anymore.

Over forty and single, is not funny.

Global warming did not eat my homework.

Alyssa- What the hell is next?

I will stop phoning it in.

Veronica- We can hope…

1 comment:

Mary Read said...

Would like to read the next scene. Does one of the characters try to slip in something... non-Bart he created? Would the others notice? Would the audience notice...