Thursday, September 25, 2008

So, why bother...?

So... why start blogging after all these years....?

Well, you can blame this rambling mess on two people. One fictional, and the other... not so much: Barney Stinson, from the hit NBC show How I Met Your Mother, and Candee Adams... the sweet one.

In several episodes, Barney's been known to shout "This is so going in my blog!" whenever one of his friends piss him off. And, well... I want that. My friends, family and colleagues piss me off a LOT!

*Oh, don't look at me like that! You know who you are! yes, YOU!*

So, from now on, if that happens, I can shout... "This is so going in my blog!"

I don't think I need any more reason than that...



Mary Read said...

The stripper thing... You think you know women? You don't. Strippers... dangerous breed. Pay them enough and they'll call you honey and do whatever... you can afford. Otherwise... Save it. They're in the business for a reason... Bucks! They ain't looking for a quicky, a freebie, a long-term thing or anything else. No really... if they are... they'll go looking for it in a decent joint.

michael abrahams said...

great blog buzz!
thought I'd leave you with some House quotes ;
Wilson: "Obsession is dangerous."
House: "Only if you're on a wooden ship and your obsession is a whale. I think I'm in the clear."
Wilson: "You do realize it's a metaphor?"
House: "You do realize that the point of metaphors is to scare people from doing things by telling them that something much scarier is going to happen, than what will really happen? God, I wish I had a metaphor to explain that better."

House: "Did you know that relative to its size, the barnacle has the largest penis of any animal?"
